Sunday, March 21, 2010

Success-It's All About People - Part 3

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in reference to:

"People in general don't like to be classified into broad general categories, such as "associate", "employee", "staff", "team member", "customer", "guest". They want to be aknowledged as one particular and unique "employee" or "customer" or person."
- (view on Google Sidewiki)

Success- It's All About People - Part 3

People in general don't like to be classified into broad general categories, such as "associate", "employee", "staff", "team member", "customer", "guest". They want to be aknowledged as one particular and unique "employee" or "customer" or person.

The skeptic who says "All customers are just alike"is headed down to the road of failure whether he/she knows it or not. It's easy to fall into the habit of treating people as "employees" or as "customers", but it doesn't pay. Remember in the abstract. You are always dealing wit one individual person. You never learn to get along with "people". You learn to get along with this person and that person. There is not such animal as "people". The world is populated with individual persons. People is just an astract term.

We like to be singled out, not considered one of the mob!!!!!

We like to go to those restaurants where they are given individual treatment. It doesn't have to be much. Perhaps the manager or supervisor or head waiter/tress only call you by name, and says, Mr. Smith, you'll be happy to know we have prime rib tonight".

"We don't usually do this, but in your case I'm going to make an exception," someone says to us. We glow all over.

"Mr. Roberts, I am personally going to take care of this matter and see that you get what you want."

Who wouldn't respond to this magic? everybody will, this is the way we take care of business one customer at the time and this is how we gain the trust of our "business partners" (Associates, Employees, staff) one person at te time..........!

To end this I'd like to share with you what J.C. Staehle, after analysing many surveys, found which are the principal causes of unrest among workers, listed below in order of importance:

  1. Failure to give credit for suggestions
  2. Failure to correct grievances
  3. Failure to encourage
  4. Criticizing employees in front of other people
  5. Failure to ask employees their opinions
  6. Failure to inform employees of their progress
  7. Favoritism.
See You at the Top: 25th Anniversary EditionThe Greatest Salesman in the World: Gift EditionYou Can Heal Your LifeThe Shift: Taking Your Life from Ambition to Meaning

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Success-It's All about People - Part 2

Recently I was invited to speak to a group of Hospitality and Tourism Management students at Valencia Community College, my talk was to be based on my experience in turning a raw human resource work force into providing excellent, personalize service in Latin American and the Caribbean and how we can educate or train the work force that is available to the industry here in the USA.

in reference to:

"Recently I was invited to speak to a group of  Hospitality and Tourism  Management students at Valencia Community College, my talk was to be based on my experience in turning a raw human resource work force into providing excellent, personalize service in Latin American and the Caribbean and how we can educate or train the work force that  is available to the industry here in the USA."
- Service Excellence: Success- It's All About People - Part 2 (view on Google Sidewiki)

Success- It's All About People - Part 2

"There should be less talk; a preaching point is not a meeting point. What do you do then? Take a broom and clean someone's house. That says enough.

Mother Teresa (1910-1997)

Recently I was invited to speak to a group of  Hospitality and Tourism  Management students at Valencia Community College, my talk was to be based on my experience in turning a raw human resource work force into providing excellent, personalize service in Latin American and the Caribbean and how we can educate or train the work force that  is available to the industry here in the USA.

The perception is that the young men and women coming out of high school, don't have the same working ethics as past generations and that they don't care about customer service and supposedly, that's the reason many businesses are failing to provide the level of service expected by the ever demanding consumers we are catering to nowadays.

My my opinion is very different, I believe that today, more than ever before, we as leaders in the hospitality industry, we are facing probably the most educated, sensible and service oriented work force. I know that many of you are thinking that I'm crazy, or don't know what I'm talking about or, even maybe I'm out of touch with the reality, but, my friends that's not the case, and i'm telling you the resasons.

First, I think that the real problem is rooted in the managers, owners and operators, as we have become "leaders" who tell our people "do as I say, not as I do" in short we are not walking the talk. When we have "training sessions" we go through the motions of explaining and teaching all the process, and we do a great job, most of the time, creating the necessary motivation among our staff to get things done and provide the level of service that we want to give our guests or customers. But that's the extend of it, because the moment that a challenge with a customer arises and this patron request to speak to a manager or supervisor, in most cases we blow it off, and if we do speak to that person we automatically blow the complaint off.

What, happens, then, we're sending the wrong message to our people, when in fact those are the opportunities where we can show our staff that we mean business, that we really care about our customers, that they are the very reason we are in business, because what we make important to us, and when we walk our talk, everybody else will follow the footsteps and will put the same type of effort and passion into it.

We need to understand, that this generation is a visual generation, so leading by example will make a tremendous difference in their attitude.

Second, we, as leaders, need to understand that this wonderful young men and women, are eager to be treated like intelligent people, and need to be trusted, now, mind you, the amount of trust you give them, is the same amount of trust you will receive from them, you just can't fake trust, it has to come from deep in your heart as they will sense it, you need to show that you honestly and sincerely care about them, about their well being, about helping them reach their potential, about making them feel a very important part of the success of your business.

You see, how may you tell your staff to trust you, when your actions are showing them that you're looking for ways to maximize profits by maybe cutting hours? or even laying off people? this create insecurity and mistrust. Or instead of coaching them and help them overcome a mistake you put them down? 

There many companies that are striving in today's market, and the main reason being, is because of their commitment to their employees, these companies have made a point to show their people, not to tell their people, that they are the most important part of their business, that not matter what they are an integral part of the business. This is huge in their success, because they have built up loyalty, they have built up a sense of belonging and in turn this have impacted the customer service positively and of course the bottom line. And that's what is all about, when you and your team, become one with one solely purpose to deliver that excellence service to your customers.

In conclusion, we are in the people business, if we take care in a honest and sincere manner our people the chances of our business to grow are much greater than we put the tangible things above the human factor.

I will end this with what Emerson said long ago "Trust men and they will be true to you".

Try it. You'll find that it is not just platitude, but that it works. 

The Seven Spiritual Laws of SuccessExcuses Begone! [How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits] [UNABRIDGED] [AUDIOBOOK/AUDIO CD]Skill With People

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Success- It's all About People - Part 1

Let's be honest about it: WE DO WANT THINGS from other people. We want other people's good will and friendship. We want their acceptance and recognition.

in reference to:

"Let's be honest about it: WE DO WANT THINGS from other people. We want other people's good will and friendship. We want their acceptance and recognition."
- Service Excellence: Success- It's all About people - Part 1 (view on Google Sidewiki)

Success- It's all About people - Part 1

Let's be honest about it: WE DO WANT THINGS from other people. We want other people's good will and friendship. We want their acceptance and recognition.

A businessman wants business from other people. A husband and wife want love and affection from each other. A parent wants obedience. A child wants security and love. a salesman wants other people to sign on the dotted line. A boss wants loyalty, production, cooperation. An employee wants recognition and credit for what he/she does. A customer at a restaurant wants personalize service, a guest at a hotel wants to feel home away from home.

Every normal human being wants success and happiness. Have you ever thought about the fact that other people play an important part in any real success or happiness that we enjoy? It is largely through our dealings with other people that we become successful. And regardless of what your definition of happiness may be, a little thought will convince you that your own happiness is largely dependent upon sort of relationship you have with other people.

So in any project we are involved with the amount of success we achieve will depend on the human relation skills. The real key to successful human relations is learning as much as we can about human nature as it is, not as we think it ought to be. Only when we understand just what we are dealing with are we in a position to deal with it successfully.

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