Monday, November 9, 2009

Keeping Yourself Motivated

As a manager you have to be motivated yourself in order to motivated others.

1. Regularly review what you have achieved each day, month and year; set SMART goals for yourself.

(S pecific, M easurable, A greed, R ealistic, T ime specific)

2. Develop a personal reward system for small, medium, large and milestone success; contract with yourself that you will always give the best.

3. Regular review your personal goals and targets; go to everything you can.

4. Develop a mental picture of yourself doing and achieving what you aspire to; give everything you do total focus.

5. Keep a success file and record all your achievements; rejoice and celebrate success; keep learning from your experience (your successes as well as your failures)

6. Look after your health by eating, resting and exercising appropriately; look after your body so that you are fit, alert and healthy.

7. Ensure that you self-talk is positive; continually visualize success.

8. Keep a confidence file, a list of everything you like and admire about yourself.

9. Use positive affirmations and say them to yourself regularly.

10. Avoid making comparisons with others.

(from Motivational pocketbook by Max A. Eggert)

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