Sunday, November 1, 2009

Creating Loyal Customers

Quality service is vital to the reputation of any eating establishment, It will make or break a business, and customers will not return if they don’t get good service.

Not that providing quality service is easy. Customers can be demanding and the menu can be complex and ever changing.

Is quality service learned or is it fundamental to a person’s nature? I thinks it’s a little of both. I think anyone can learn the basics of how to wait a table. But some people are naturally in tune with the customers and how to go beyond just fulfilling their needs. Those are the employees making the big tips.

Typically, servers earn minimum wage plus tips. Particularly hectic days can be costly, since a server is often too busy to provide the personalized attention to each customer that generates larger tips.

Experience providing good service anywhere can be transitioned into the restaurant industry. If someone worked as a telemarketer or a clerk, the same principles can relate to those in a wait staff or in any other position in a restaurant.

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