Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Team Effort

The entire restaurant staff gets together once a week to discuss how they can improve customer service. That includes the chef, kitchen staff, busboys and waiters.

The crew is briefed on new wine and menu selections as the chef describes each new dish. To help your staff learn to love food really helps in this business because customers can sense a feel and excitement for the selections when they are being described.

Hiring those with prior restaurant experience is much different, I’d talk with the applicant about wines and food and check the references and background and appearance.

Even then, I’d keep a close eye on the quality of service the wait staff provides. I remember one waiter who was leaning on a customer’s chair as he described the evening specials. In private, I asked him what he was doing? he laughed. I told him if he was that tired he should not come to work.


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