Measure the performance that you get to the performance that you want. With measurable standards of performance stablished up front, this is fairly straight forward. If you have not established standards, you will want to establish them with your staff now.
Rule #1- relates to behavior - not attitude
if the work does not meet the established standards, relate to that issue alone. Don't get caught in the "attitude trap". As they say, everybody has an attitude. You can relate to the attitude as good or bad, but it has no relevance to the work getting done right. It would be great if they loved doing the work, but, because they like or dislike the work, their attitude toward any aspect of the work is no excuse for not performing the work to standards.
You may disagree with this philosophy. But let me ask, do you like everything you do in your job? No. does that mean you don't need to do it? Does that mean you do not have to get the work done correctly on time? Likewise, you have the right to expect your staff to get the work done according to standards.
Relate specifically to the behaviors the individual displays. Describe what you heard and saw, and how those behaviors impact the staff' ability to achieve the desired results.
Rule # 2 - Relate to future behavior
Make certain what you are dealing with is within the staff's control. Find out what the staff's perceptions are. he or she may identify an issue you were not aware of that you can alter to improve their performance. Another possibility is that they perceive they have no control over the situation when, in fact, they do. Your communication here will help them understand how a different approach and new behaviors can change the outcomes.
Rule # 3 -Communicate Clearly
Ask questions to make certain there is a clear understanding. Using questions creates two-way communication allowing you to surface and clear up any misunderstandings about what happened or what needs to change. Asking questions gets their involvement, you will get higher level of buy-in for them to make changes in their behavior.
Rule # 4 - Follow up
Make an effort to give positive reinforcement when the individual uses the newly defined behaviors. Without positive reinforcement, the new behavirs will not continue. People not only need to know when they do something right, they aso need to know the effort to change has value. Failing to provide positive reinforcement, you maybe seen as just trying to catch them doing things wrong. You will be seen as "out to t them".
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