Today I feel the need to write about how independent restaurant owners and operators are coping with economic crisis that is affecting the country. I understand very well how tough it is for some of you and also, as an operator myself, know how frustrating it may be to see business sliding to the point one starts feeling hopeless, and think that the only alternative to improve it is to make cuts, even in areas that will affect customer satisfaction directly, things like changing the quality specs of the products, cutting service hours, portion size, etc. and while doing so, in this process, one tends to lose focus on the very basics of the business, to exceed the customers expectations. Today, more than ever, you almost have to re-invent the way you do business, looking for innovations and new ways to deliver excellent service.
Lately, I've dined in several restaurants around town, I noticed that most of them have cut back on things that really affect the experience of the customer, like the quality of the ingridients and service. I know very well that in every restaurant operation there are "fat" that need to be trimmed down at best or eliminated, and this is where the operators and ownesrs need to take a step back and look where they can eliminate that "fat" and maximize the guest experience.
Some have outdated menus, I call them outdated, because, there were many "86" items that were in the menu, in one case I had to go over 3 or 4 different wines until I found one they had, it is a frustrating experience, but I believe the worst part of all, was that the server was not aware of the availibity of those wines, and I know that he too was frustrated and embarrased, as service was not up to standards, I know the standards of that restaurant, as I dine there at least once a month, it is one of my favorite places, or maybe I should say, it was?
My point is, is your average check is down, the traffic is down and you don't maximize what you get, to the contrary, you give less, then of course, you'd get less as well. But on the other side of the coin, if you focus on the business you have and nurture it, maintain your quality, your level of service, and give some extra and your service staff is focusing in selling and not in serving, chances are that the traffic flow of your business will increase as well, you see, customers nowaday, are more educated and know very well when they get a good value for their money.
Remember, time of crisis is time of opportunities as well, when we face a crisis, time is telling us that we need to make some changes, that the processes, products and ideas that brought your business here, are not longer effective and need to be renewed, or updated, you can not keep doing the same thing and expect a different more positive result.
Now it is the time to re-focus, to re-charge, to, maybe, create a new vision for your business or most important to re-train and take a deep look and your staff and how they are delivering the product. with all this said, I have a question for everyone, are you aware of the six steps of service? are you and/or your staff living it? are you staff giving great service with passion? are your servers, serving or selling? do you still feel the passion for service or have you let up during these challenging times? are you and/or your staff taking care of business "one customer at the time"? Remember, your leadership role is very important to set the tone of the direction for your operation to move forward or backwards and that you are holding in your hands the future of your business, and possibly, your own!
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